Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) 2018
IIT UCEED 2018 Date: 20th January, 2018
Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) - 2018
Admissions to the Bachelor of Design (B. Des) programmes at IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati and IIITDM Jabalpur are done through the Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED). Students who have passed Class XII (or equivalent) in 2017 or appearing in 2018 in ANY STREAM (Science, Commerce, or Arts & Humanities), are eligible to appear for UCEED 2018.
UCEED 2018 will be conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, under the guidance of the UCEED-CEED Implementation Committee 2018.
UCEED 2018 is open to all nationals (Indian/Foreign). Candidates seeking admission to the Bachelor Degree programme in Design (B. Des.) at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) and Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur (IIITDMJ) must appear in UCEED 2018.
UCEED 2018 Important Dates:
Start date for Online Registration : 9th October, 2017
Last date for Online Registration with regular fee : 10th November, 2017
Last date for Online Registration with late fee : 17th November, 2017
Start date for Admit Card downloading : 25th December, 2017 onwards
Last date for rectification of discrepancies in the admit card : 5th January, 2018
UCEED 2018 Examination : Saturday 20th January, 2018
Release of Draft Answer Key : 27th January, 2018
Last date for sending Comments about Draft Answer Key : 31st January, 2018
Declaration of result : 18th February, 2018
Start date for Score Card downloading : 18th February, 2018
Application for B. Des. programme : 8th to 23rd June 2018
Seat allotment round 1 : 2nd July, 2018
Seat allotment round 2 : 9th July, 2018
Seat allotment round 3 : 14th July, 2018
UCEED 2018 Schedule:
UCEED is a test centre based, computer examination of 3 hours duration and will be held as per the following schedule:
Date: Saturday, January 20, 2018
Session: 10:00 to 13:00
i. Every effort will be made to complete the examination during the above session. In the unlikely event of any technical problem in any of the exam centres, the exam may be conducted in the Reserve Session in the afternoon between 14:00 to 17:00, only for those candidates in the aected centres.
ii. Candidates appearing for UCEED 2018 are therefore advised to make their travel arrangements accordingly.
iii. In case the exam is conducted in the afternoon (reserve session), the question paper will be dierent from that of the morning session, but with the same number of questions, same total marks and with similar diculty levels, which will be moderated for consistency and parity.
Exam Cities: UCEED 2018 will be held in the following 20 cities in India:
Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur and Vishakhapatnam.
Candidates should compulsorily opt 3 cities of their choice, in the order of preference, at the time of online application. Once the application is submitted, request for change of city will NOT be entertained under any circumstances.
If enough number of candidates are not available in a listed city, then that city may be dropped from the nal list, and those candidates will be allotted a centre in the city of either their second choice or third choice. Additionally, because of operational contingencies, the UCEED 2018 Committee reserves the right to add a new city/town or remove an existing one and allot a city/town that may not be among any of the choices of a candidate.
A listed city may have more than one examination centre. A request for change of a centre within the same city/town will NOT be permitted under any circumstances
Candidates who are NOT citizens of India at the time of registering for UCEED 2018 (by birth or naturalization) are treated as foreign nationals. Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary with a cap of 10% of total available seats in the course. The availability of supernumerary seats will be announced at the time of seat allocation.
The seats allotted to OCI (Overseas Citizen of India)/PIO(Person of Indian Origin) card holders will be under Open category, but not supernumerary. Foreign Nationals and OCI/PIO card holders are outside the ambit of reservations.
However, appearing in UCEED 2018 is a must for all candidates for the admission.
Eligibility Criteria:
A candidate, including a foreign national, must full each and every one of the following three criteria to appear in UCEED 2018.
Criterion 1 – Age limit:
The candidate should have been born on or after October 01, 1993 if belonging to the OPEN or OBC-NCL category and on or after October 01, 1988 if belonging to the SC, ST or PwD category.
Criterion 2 – Number of attempts:
A candidate can attempt UCEED for a maximum of two times and that too in consecutive years. Note that UCEED score is valid for one year, and only for admissions in the corresponding academic year.
Criterion 3 – Qualifying examination:
The candidate should have passed the qualifying examination (Class XII or equivalent) in 2017, OR appearing in 2018. Students from ALL STREAMS (Science, Commerce, and Arts & Humanities) are eligible.
Those who appeared for the rst time in their qualifying examination in 2016 or earlier are NOT eligible.
Following is the registration fee for UCEED 2018.
Rs. 1000 + Rs. 180 (18% GST) = Rs. 1180 for all women candidates.
Rs. 1000 + Rs. 180 (18% GST) = Rs. 1180 for SC/ST/PwD candidates.
Rs. 2000 + Rs. 360 (18% GST) = Rs. 2360 for all other candidates.
i. The above registration fee is applicable till the closing date of 10 November 2017, 23:45 hours.
ii. A late fee of Rs.500 is applicable to ALL candidates for registrations done after the above, and till the late registration closing date of 17 November 2017, 23:45 hours.
iii. Detailed instructions related to the payment of registration fee are given on the online registr ation portal.
Question Paper:
There will be ONE question paper of 3 hours duration.
The question paper will be in English.
The question paper will be administered through a computer based test.
The question paper will carry a total of 300 marks.
The question paper will consist of 3 sections.
SECTION A: Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions For these questions, the answer is a number that needs to be entered using a virtual keyboard in the computer screen. No choices will be shown for these questions. Each correct answer will be awarded 4 marks. There is NO NEGATIVE marks for this section. Questions not attempted will be given zero mark.
SECTION B: Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) Each MSQ has ONE OR MORE correct answer(s) out of the four given choices. The candidate gets 4 marks only if ALL the correct choices and NO wrong choices are selected. There is NO NEGATIVE or PARTIAL marks for this section. Questions not attempted will be given zero mark.
SECTION C: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Each MCQ has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is the correct answer. There is NEGATIVE marking for this section. Each correct answer will be awarded 3 marks and each wrong answer will be awarded –1 (minus one) mark. Questions not attempted will be given zero mark.
UCEED 2018 Poster
UCEED 2018 Brochure
UCEED 2018 Apply
UCEED Question Papers
Contact Address:
JEE (advanced), UCEED & CEED 2018
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Phone: +91 22 2576 4063/9093/9094