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SBI Recruitment of Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales) Exam Details

SBI Recruitment of Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales) 2020

Postponement of Main Exam

The Main Exam was scheduledto be conducted on 19.04.2020.

In view of the situation prevailing on account of threat of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the online main exam has been postponed. The fresh date for declaration of preliminary exam result and conduct of main exam will be announced later, on Bank’s website.

Candidates are advised to regularly check bank’s website for further updates.



Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in clerical cadre in State Bank of India. Candidates can apply for vacancies in one State only. Candidates can appear for the test only once under this recruitment project. The candidates applying for vacancies of a particular State, should be proficient (reading, writing, speaking and understanding) in the specified opted local language of that State (mentioned in the under given vacancy table against each state/UT). The test for knowledge of specified opted local language will be conducted as a part of selection process. It will be conducted after qualifying the online main examination but before joining the Bank. Candidates who fail to qualify the languagetestwill notbe offered appointment. Candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate evidencing having studied the specified opted local language will not be required to undergo the language test. There is no provision for Inter Circle Transfer / Inter State Transferfor Junior Associates to be recruited.

Preliminary Examination will be conducted tentatively in the month of February/ March, 2020 and Main Examination will be conducted tentatively on 19.04.2020. Candidates are advised to check regularly Bank's website or for details and updates.


Age Limit:
(As on 01.01.2020) Not below 20 years and not above 28 years as on 01.01.2020,i.e candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.01.1992 and not later than 01.01.2000 (both days inclusive).

SELECTION PROCEDURE: The selection process will consist of on-linetest (preliminary & main exam) and test of specified opted local language.

Phase-I: Preliminary Examination: Online Preliminary Exam consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1-hourd uration consisting of 3 Sections as follows:

Sl.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1.English language303020 min.
2.Numerical Ability353520 min.
3.Reasoning Ability353520 min.
Total1001001 Hour

Each test will have a separate timing as mentioned above. There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests. 1/4thof mark assigned for question will be deducted for each wrong answer.No minimum qualifying marks are prescribed for individual testOR for aggregate score.

Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank (approximately 10 times the numbers of vacancies. subject to availability) will be shortlisted for the Main Exam from the list of all candidates arranged in descending order of aggregate marks scored.

Phase -II: Main Examination: Structure of Online Main Exam would be as follows:

Sl.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1.General/ Financial Awareness505035 min.
2.General English404035 min.
3.Quantitative Aptitude505045 min.
4.Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude506045 min.
Total1902002 Hr. 40 min.

Each test will have a separate timing as mentioned above.

The questions in objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be bilingual i.e., English & Hindi. There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests. 1/4th of mark assigned for question will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Candidates are required to score a minimum percentage markson aggregate (For SC/ST/OBC/PWD/XS candidates, 5% relaxation available thereon). Minimum qualifying marks on aggregate will be decided by the bank. No minimum qualifying marks for individual subject are prescribed. Merit list will be drawn State wise, category wise. Candidates qualified in the test (main examination) will be placed according to their aggregate marks in descending order in respective States and Categories.

Test of specified opted local language:

Those who qualify for selection and produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate evidencing having studied the specified opted local language will not be subjected to any Language test. In case of others (qualified for selection), specified opted local language test will be conducted after provisional selection but before joining. Candidates not found proficient in specified opted local language would be disqualified.

Provisional Selection (Subject to qualifying specified opted local language).

The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination (Phase-I) will not be added for the selection and only the aggregate marks obtained in Main Examination (Phase-II) will be considered for preparation of the final merit list. Provisional selection will be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the test (Main Examination).

Final selection will be subject to-

i. Verification of eligibility for the post and information furnished in the online application.

ii. Qualifying in test of specified opted local language, where applicable, as detailed above.

Results of the candidates who have provisionally qualified for selection will be made available on the Bank's website.

Wait List: A wait list of up to 50% of vacancies (State-category wise) will be maintained.Candidates will be released from this waitlist on quarterly basis against non-joining and resignation out of the current batch only, subject to the candidates securing minimum qualifying marks as may be stipulated by the Bank for selection. This wait listwill be valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of final result.

PRE-EXAMINATION TRAINING: SBI may arrange pre-examination training at certain centres for SC/ST/XS/ Religious Minority Community candidates in consonance with the guidelines issued by Government of India. Candidates belonging to the above categories who desire to avail themselves of such training at their own cost have to apply online.

The Bank may add additional centres or may delete some of the centres indicated for training. Candidates opting for pre-examination training should download their call letter for training by entering their registration number and password/date of birth from 04.02.2020onwardsfrom Bank's website. No hard copy of the call letter will be sent by post.


a. Preliminary Examination: The candidates should download their call letter and an "acquaint yourself booklet" by entering their registration number and password/date of birth from the Bank's website from 11.02.2020 onwards (Tentatively).

b. Main Examination: Candidates qualified for main examination would be able to download their call letter from the Bank's website (following the instructions available on the screen) from 2nd week of April 2020 onwards (Tentatively).



1. SC/ ST/ PWD/ XS Category - Nil
2. General/ OBC/ EWS Category - Rs 750/-

Fee/Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refundedon any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other exam or selection.

HOW TO APPLY: Candidates can apply online and no other mode of application will be accepted.

Candidates will be required to register themselves online through Bank's website OR -Recruitment of Junior Associates 2020. After registration candidates are required to pay the requisite application fee through online mode by using debit card/credit card/Internet Banking.

SBI Recruitment of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) 2020

SBI Junior Associate
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