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Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Exam Details

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) 2020

Haryana Public Service Commission Examination - 2020


Recruitment Test for Assistant Professor (College Cadre) in the subject of psychology, Sociology, public Administration & Computer Science, Assistant labour Commissioner, and District Horticulture Officer & Horticulture Development Officer to be held on 27.01.2020 in Two Session i.e. from 10.00 AM to l2:00 Noon (Morning Session) & 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM (Evening Session).


The candidate must carefully read the following instructions in addition to general instructions of Advt. No. 1/2019, l2(03)2015, 5(vi)/2018 & 5(xiii)/2018 and information for candidates. Failure to comply with these instructions will render him / her liable to such punishment as the Commission may deem fit to impose.

1. Entry to the Examination Centre is strictly permissible against the Admit Card along with one original ID Proof.

2. Bringing of Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Tablets, Pager or any other Electronic Device etc. and having Wrist watches, any kind of Jewellery (Nose pin. Bangles. Neckless /Chain. Ring / Ear-ring etc.). Purse, Belt, Water Bottles etc. and articles such as Books, Notes & Loose Sheets etc. in the Examination Centre is strictly prohibited. Hence, candidates are advised not to bring the above items in the Examination Centre as the safe keeping of the same cannot be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.

3. Only Blue / Black Ball Point Pen is allowed. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited.

4. Bio-metric attendance is compulsory for all the candidates. Candidates without Bio-metric attendance will be considered as Absent.

5. Candidates are advised to visit their Examination Centre at least one day in advance and familiarize themselves with the itinerary to avoid the last minute hassle in their own interest. They should reach their Centres on the day of Examination well in time for Frisking.

6. Please note that Entry into the Examination Centre will be started at 08:30 AM (Morning Session) & 12:30 Noon (Evening Session). The entry will be closed l0 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the Examinaiion i.e. 10:00 AM (Morning Session) & 02:00 PM (Evening Session). No candidate will be allowed to enter into the Examination Centre after closure of the entry i.e. 09.50 AM (Morning Session) & 01:50 PM (Evening Session).

7. The candidates are not permitted to sit on ony seat other than the seat allotted to them against their Roll. Numbers, Violation would have serious consequences.

8. The candidates will not be allowed to leave their seats during first half time of the paper even for going for toilets.

9. Your admission to the examination is provisional & subject to fulfilment of all the conditions of eligiblility as all the candidates are being allowed provisionally without adjudging their eligibility as per advertisement at this stale. If, at a Later stage you are not found eligible, your candidature will be cancelled without any notice.

10. No candidate will be permitted to leave the Examination Hall before completion of fulltime of the paper and till the OMR (Answer) Sheet is collected by the Invigilaltor.

11. The candidate must write his / her Roll Number, Name and put his Thumb Impression (Left / Right Hantl) in the space provided for the purpose on the OMR (Answer) Sheet and the Question Booklet. The candidate must not write anything on the Question Booklet / OMR (Answer) Sheet except for that space has been provided.

12. In case of copying, both the candidates (the one who is copying and the other who is allowing to copy) will be disqualified or any other punishment be given as the Commission may deem fit.

13. A signal will be given at the beginning of the Examination and then candidates may start writing their answers.

14. Silence must be observed in the Examination Hall.

15. Smoking in the Examination hall and in the precincts of the centre is strictly prohibited.

16. (i) Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate.

(ii) A candidate, who makes accusations or insinuation against rival candidates or the commission as a whole, Chairman or Member of the commission or its officials etc. may be disqualified.

(iii) A candidate who is found knowingly to have furnished any particulars which are false or to have suppressed material information will be disqualified, and if appointed, will be liable for dismissal. He will also be liable for proscription from all Government Service and to criminal prosecution.

17. Re-evaluation or rechecking is not allowed as the OMR (Answer) Sheets will be scanned by the Computer.

HPSC Announcements 2020:

HPSC Announcement regarding Re-Schedule for conducting viva-voce HCS (Jud. Br.) 2019

HPSC Announcement regarding Deputy Director of Horticulture in Horticulture Department

HPSC Postponment of Interviews for the posts of Drug Control Officer in Health Department

HPSC Tentative Schedule of test for various posts likewise Assistant Professor, Assistant Labour Commissioner, District Horcticuture Officer etc.

HPSC Schedule of Interview for the posts of Company Secretary & Accounts Officer, HVPNL

HPSC Annoucement regarding HCS (Ex. Br.) & other Allied Services Main Examination 2017

Contact Address:

Haryana Public Service Commission,
Bays 1-10, Block – B,
Sector – 4, Panchkula - 134112,
Haryana, India.
Phone: 0172 – 2560755
Fax: 0172 - 2560756

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Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) 2020

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